Rob Young | digital

Tools for my Org files

I use manage all my tasks and notes in org files using nvim-orgmode. There are some things I'd like to do with them that is not easy with nvim-orgmode so I decided to start writing some tools to work with them.

Count close

My first little tool, mostly just to experiment is It draws simple terminal histograms of tasks closed by time period. Below is a snippet showing tasks closed by day.

> python week
2022-01-03    2  ==
2022-01-10    0
2022-01-17    0
2022-01-31    1  =
2023-01-30   16  ================
2023-02-06    8  ========
2023-02-13   13  =============
2023-02-20   13  =============

Next steps

The next thing I'd like to do is sync some of my calendars with my org files so that I get the notifications about tasks and events in one place.